Faculty Vision, Mission and Objectives


Contribute to improving knowledge and research competency that matches the international standards and so the ability to create and innovate to meet the requirements of production institutions and surrounding environment.


The faculty looks forward to achieving excellence in agriculture development at national, regional, African and international levels.


General Objectives

Strategic Objectives

1- Providing educational programs in line with referenced international standards

1.1.  Development of educational programs of the educational institution.

1.2.   Increasing the competency of faculty alumni.

1.3.   Promoting faculty departments to attract students at national, regional and African levels.

2.   Restructuring the organization of scientific research to reflect demands of production activity and scientific publication.

2.1.   Increasing research projects finance.

2.2.   Increasing scientific and applied researches intended to serve labor market demands and respond to environmental issues.

2.3.   Improving the faculty magazine and supporting international scientific publication.

2.4.   Marketing scientific research at local and African levels.

3.   Supporting the institutional capacity of the faculty that insuring the idea of resources development and community service.

3.1.  Creating new chances in the regional market especially the African market at Nile Basin countries.

3.2.   Improving the financial resources of the faculty to serve the educational and research process.

3.3.   Upgrading the efficiency of human resources of the faculty.

3.4.   Enhancing the communication between the faculty as a consultancy firm and the community.